The National Association of State Approving Agencies (NASAA) helps make the GI Bill work. NASAA facilitates the efforts of its member State Approving Agencies (SAAs) in promoting and safeguarding quality education and training programs for veterans, ensuring greater education and training opportunities for veterans, and protecting the integrity of the GI Bill.
NASAA is made up of more than 50 state agencies nationwide that oversee education and training programs for veterans in their respective states. Most states have a single agency to evaluate, approve, and monitor education and training programs for use by GI Bill-eligible students. One state, Washington, has two separate SAAs for different types of training (schools vs. on-job, for example). SAAs provide assistance to schools and training facilities that are approved or are seeking approval. SAAs’ approval decisions are transmitted to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs so that VA can pay benefits when students enroll. SAAs play a major role in monitoring schools with approved programs to assure they continue to comply with state and federal law.
NASAA works hand-in-hand with other organizations to make the GI Bill the best possible educational assistance program for our nation’s veterans. NASAA members work with government agencies, Congress, schools, and employers to assure that veterans have access to well-managed, ethical programs they can trust to help them achieve their goals.
A Little History
In 1948, the State Approving Agencies saw a need to coordinate their efforts nationwide and gathered to form the National Association of State Approving Agencies. Then, as of now, NASAA assisted states in their efforts to do a better job for veteran students and served as a tool to resolve mutual problems. NASAA and SAAs have been an outstanding example of the success of a State-Federal partnership that allows Federal interests to be pursued at the local level while preserving the identity, interests, and sovereignty of States’ rights in education. NASAA also has increased its influence in the realms of education and veterans benefits over the years, playing major roles in the creation of new programs, such as the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
The primary focus of the SAAs continues to be the review, evaluation, and approval of quality programs of education and training under State and Federal criteria. SAAs continue to conduct on-site technical assistance and compliance visits to approved institutions and to those seeking approval. SAAs engage in outreach activities to encourage wider use of the GI Bill, by veterans, other beneficiaries, schools, and employers. Many SAAs also act as state liaisons, helping military installations provide base personnel with quality educational offerings and information about education benefits.
Yet, while their fundamental role has remained the same, SAAs have evolved in response to the changes in our society over the years since World War II. SAAs and NASAA have become advocates for quality education and training for veterans and other eligible persons. They have become educational partners with the institutions themselves, facilitating even greater and more diverse educational opportunities for veterans. They have become strong advocates for the usage of the GI Bill and have developed a working partnership with the federal government which other federal agencies have tried to emulate.
With changing state and national priorities and a continuous re-examination of the function of government, as well as the evolving needs of our veterans, service members, and their families, state approving agencies stand ready to meet challenges head-on. Furthermore, in spite of the need for new approaches and technologies, differing styles of oversight, and enhanced criteria for performance, the fundamental reasons for which the SAAs were originally created remain as valid today as they were in the beginning.
Executive Board Members

Rebecca Ryan
Rhode Island SAA

David Salgado
Vice President
Texas SAA

Joe Wescott
Legislative Director
North Carolina SAA

Frank Myers
Past Presidents’ Council
South Carolina SAA

Tara Monk
Texas SAA

Katherine Snyder
West Region Vice President
New Mexico SAA

Edward Godfrey
Central Region Vice President
Minnesota SAA

Lily Snyder
South Region Vice President
Georgia SAA

Everette Jackson, Jr.
East Region Vice President
Maryland SAA

John Murray
Staff Judge Advocate
Washington SAA

Tramaine Carroll-Payne
Virginia SAA

Chris Garcia
Financial Secretary
Texas SAA

James Henley
Public Affairs Liaison
Missouri SAA
June 22, 1944

January 1, 1947
The first contracts are signed between the federal government and the individual State Approval Agencies, marking the beginning of an important federal-state relationship that continues through the present day.
That same year, veterans attending school on the GI Bill comprise 49% of the nation’s higher education population.