Sue E. Jevning, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPTD, Director, Veterans Education, Texas Veterans Commission – (pictured) was presented with the NASAA President’s Award during the 2020 Summer Training and Business Meeting. In response to COVID-19 Director Jevning and her staff began the monumental task of converting NASAA’s summer training and business meeting from an in-person conference to a synchronized web based event. The virtual conference hosted all SAAs, Department of Veterans Affairs and respected guests – whose mission is to safeguard the GI Bill. Director Jevning is no stranger to serving as she has served and commanded many NASAA committees and special events. While separated by state boundaries and travel restrictions – Director Jevning has created a web based event that has diminished those restrictions and retained a core function of NASAA – to organize collectively to ensure Veteran’s education benefits are available for those who have served this great country.